Preclinical Ophthalmic Drug Development Services

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Corneal Anesthesia Testing of Ophthalmic Drugs
The corneal anesthesia test is used to evaluate the effect of a potential ophthalmic product on corneal sensitivity to determine the safety of the compound. As a preclinical CRO for ophthalmic research, Ace Therapeutics offers unparalleled corneal anesthesia testing to help our clients ensure the safety, efficacy, and regulatory compliance of their ophthalmic products. Our expert team will design an exclusive experimental plan according to your product characteristics to help your project quickly enter the next stage.
Service Overview
Ace Therapeutics, a comprehensive preclinical ophthalmology CRO, is able to conduct safety and efficacy assessments for all ophthalmic indications. Here, we are pleased to offer corneal anesthesia testing services to support your ophthalmic product development.
Our corneal anesthesia test service is designed to help you understand your ophthalmic products' safety, efficacy, and critical information that will be useful for the formulation and optimization of your ophthalmic products. As part of ocular tolerability and safety assessments, corneal anesthesia tests involve administering small amounts of a potential compound to the eye of a model (rabbit, dog, mouse, minipig, etc.) to assess and observe the compound's effect on corneal sensitivity. This helps you determine the compound's safety (efficacy or possible ocular side effects).

Access Ace Therapeutics' Corneal Anesthesia Test of Ophthalmic Compounds
Ace Therapeutics performs a corneal anesthesia test using the following protocol.
- Eye examination of the test animals (albino rabbits): Before the test, the animals should adapt to the animal laboratory environment for at least 3 days. 24 hours before the trial, both eyes of the experimental animals should be thoroughly examined. Animals with corneal defects or conjunctival lesions with eye irritation symptoms should not be used.
- Groups: 9 albino rabbits were divided into three groups, including the test product group, the vehicle (when applicable) group, and the control substance (oxybuprocaine / tetracaine) group.
- Administration: A specific concentration of ophthalmic compounds (eye drops, ointment, gel, etc.) was applied to the rabbit's cornea. Use a dropper or micropipette to ensure precision in application.
- Evaluation: Cochet-Bonnet aesthesiometer was used to measure corneal sensitivity, and the number of mechanical stimuli required to elicit the blink reflex within 1 h was used as a reference.
- Guidelines: Guideline on non-clinical local tolerance testing of medicinal products - EMA/CHMP/SWP/2145/2000 Rev. 1 Corr.
Note*: Ace Therapeutics' corneal anesthesia test services can be adjusted to meet specific requirements according to the characteristics of your product, such as structural characteristics, physicochemical properties, indication characteristics, and test purposes. Importantly, our talented scientists will also conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the test results in combination with other pharmacological and toxicological information to help you reduce asset risks before entering IND-supported studies.
What Problems Can We Solve?
- Safety evaluation: An ophthalmic compound must be safe for use, and its potential anesthetic effect on the cornea needs to be evaluated to ensure it does not impair corneal sensation excessively. Our corneal anesthesia test can help you determine the compound's safety profile by assessing its impact on corneal sensitivity.
- Therapeutic applications: Ophthalmic compounds may have therapeutic applications such as reducing pain during eye surgery or managing corneal conditions. By using our corneal anesthesia test, you can evaluate the potential pain-reducing effects of your compound during surgical procedures or determine its suitability for managing corneal pain.
- Drug absorption and bioavailability: The anesthesia test also helps assess the absorption and bioavailability of the compound on the cornea. By evaluating the anesthetic effect, you can understand how easily your compound penetrates the cornea and reaches its target site, ensuring effective drug delivery.
- Formulation optimization: The corneal anesthesia test aids in ophthalmic compound formulation optimization. Through our corneal anesthesia test, you can assess the correlation between the concentration of your compound and its anesthetic effect on the cornea. This information helps in formulating an optimal concentration and dosage form for the compound to ensure the desired therapeutic effect while minimizing potential side effects.
Ace Therapeutics' corneal anesthesia test services are designed to provide valuable insights into the optimization of ophthalmic compound development for safety, efficacy, and formulation. If you are interested in our services or need more detailed information, please feel free to contact us. Our experienced scientists are ready to help you!
For Research Use Only.
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