About Us

About Ace Therapeutics

Ace Therapeutics is a trusted contract service provider dedicated to providing preclinical one-stop services in the field of glaucoma research.
Our team of experienced experts offers a wide range of services in preclinical studies, including basic research and drug development, delivering innovative and high-quality solutions to our clients. We aim to help our clients advance their projects in the field of glaucoma research by providing unique preclinical research solutions.


Leverage our scientific expertise to meet the research needs of our clients


Services provided by a creative, versatile and highly professional team


The foundation of our innovative solutions is integrity and quality

Core Strengths

Comprehensive and Integrated

Comprehensive and Integrated

We are a comprehensive and integrated service provider of basic research, drug development, and preclinical studies related to glaucoma.

Comprehensive and Integrated

We are committed to innovative solutions for glaucoma drug development including drugs and delivery vehicles.

Our Vision

A leading provider of valuable glaucoma drug development services, offering solutions to researchers worldwide.

  • Good service attitude
  • Bringing passion to service
  • Think outside the box without limiting creativity
  • Treat every customer equally