Ace Therapeutics
Primary Biliary Cholangitis Research Services
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Primary Biliary Cholangitis Research Services


Ace Therapeutics has extensive research experience in different areas of liver disease. Our goal is to promote the development of different areas of liver disease. Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is an autoimmune cholestatic liver disease for which there is no effective targeted treatment. Based on our experience and skills, we do our best to promote research in PBC.

Primary Biliary Cholangitis Research Services

PBC is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune cholestatic liver disease characterized by the destruction of small intrahepatic bile ducts, leading to fibrosis and eventually cirrhosis and its complications. PBC has significant geographic variation. The disease can greatly affect the quality of life of patients and even the development of other concomitant autoimmune diseases.

What Can We Do?

Based on extensive experience in drug development and knowledge of developing new drugs based on gut microorganisms, Ace Therapeutics offers exclusive services for different directions of the development of liver disease drugs to meet the needs of different research protocols.

  • Drug Development for PBC

UDCA and OCA are approved therapies for PBC and are the treatment of choice for PBC patients. However, there is still a need to develop more effective treatments to effectively treat PBC. with years of research experience and advanced technology platforms, our scientists provide the most professional technical services for your research.

  • Immunosuppressor
    Corticosteroids can target the immunological and physiological aspects of PBC to suppress inflammation and thus treat PBC.
  • PPAR Agonists
    PPAR is a potential target for therapies that inhibit bile acid synthesis, reduce oxidative stress and inflammatory responses and ultimately improve PBC.
  • FXR Agonists
    Clinical trials with FXR agonists have been conducted for PBC and have shown good therapeutic results.
  • Others
    There are many other targets that are potential avenues for the treatment of PBC, such as FGF19, fractalkine/CX3C chemokine ligand 1, sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors (S1PR) 1, S1RP4, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate hydrogen oxidase.
  • Diagnostics Development for PBC

Recent findings suggest that chronic cholangitis activity and hepatitis activity can initially determine the grade of disease, while the presence and extent of fibrosis, the presence and extent of bile duct loss, and the presence and extent of orcein-positive granule deposition can initially determine the stage of the disease.

Accordingly, we have designed complete services to develop appropriate diagnostics for PBC. In addition, we will screen PBC-related biomarkers based on gene microarray and protein microarray technologies to discover more valuable biomarkers.

Ace Therapeutics has extensive research experience in the field of liver disease. Based on our expertise and technology platform, we are committed to facilitating the progress of PBC research. We are flexible in developing service plans according to the research needs of different clients to protect your research. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Harada, K., et al., Application and validation of a new histologic staging and grading system for primary biliary cirrhosis. J Clin Gastroenterol, 2013. 47(2): p. 174-181.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.