Ace Therapeutics
miRNA-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease
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miRNA-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease


Ace Therapeutics provides global customers developing miRNA-based liver disease diagnostics with the innovative solutions they need to succeed. Our extensive experience and advanced technology support the development of miRNA-based liver disease diagnostics.

miRNAs have the ability to regulate a large number of gene transcripts and are important metabolic regulators in health and disease. Studies have shown that miRNAs are important biomarkers in hepatotoxicity and liver injury, which is an important theoretical basis for developing diagnostic technologies for liver diseases based on miRNAs. We have established comprehensive services of miRNA-based diagnostic technology development for liver disease through our rich experience and solid knowledge system to help the success of your research project.

What Can We Do?

miRNA-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease

Both blood and exosomes are rich in miRNAs and are reliable vehicles for studying miRNAs. miRNAs in blood and exosomes are important tools for diagnostic technology development. We have a team of scientists specialized in the field of miRNA. Based on our advanced and complete technology platform, we help you accelerate your diagnostic development projects.

  • miRNA Detection Services

Scientific and accurate detection and analysis of miRNAs is the basis for subsequent development. We offer a comprehensive range of assays to analyze miRNAs, such as northern blotting, fluorescent quantitative PCR, and microarray technology.

miRNA-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease

  • Diagnostic Technology Development Based on miRNA in Blood for Liver Disease

Ace Therapeutics has extensive experience in the field of miRNA-based studies in blood. We have established a well-established protocol for the extraction and detection of miRNAs in blood to ensure the scientific integrity and speed of your studies. The miRNA levels in the blood of healthy individuals are extremely low, but the miRNA levels in the blood of patients are high, so the health status of patients can be accurately determined by detecting miRNAs in the blood. We will identify key biomarkers by high-throughput analysis of liver disease-specific miRNAs in blood and combine them effectively to improve the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis.

Liver disease diagnostic technology based on miRNA in blood has many advantages.

  • Non-invasive: blood samples can be taken for detection.
  • Stable: miRNAs are stable in serum or plasma samples in a form that resists RNA enzymes.
  • Early: miRNAs often show abnormalities in the early stages of liver disease.
  • Simple: miRNA-based research methods are relatively simple, and the discovery-validation-application cycle is relatively short.
  • Based on Exosomal miRNA Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease

Ace Therapeutics offers comprehensive services to develop liver disease diagnostic technologies for exosomal miRNA. Exosomal miRNAs are abundant in human body fluids such as blood, saliva, milk, and urine. On the one hand, the bilayer membrane structure of exosomes enhances the stability of miRNA, improves the sensitivity of miRNA amplification, and reduces the probability of negative amplification results. On the other hand, non-invasive diagnosis can be achieved by detecting exosomal miRNA in body fluids. Therefore, exosomal miRNA is a very ideal biomarker for diagnostic purposes.

  • By organically combining liver disease-specific miRNAs, liver injury and liver disease can be effectively diagnosed, such as miR-27b-3p, miR-762, and miR-659.
  • Through in-depth analysis of different liver diseases, miRNAs can be developed for different liver diseases, such as miR-1914*, miR-193a-5p, miR-22, miR-659, miR-711 are closely related to hepatitis, miR-241 and miR-122 are strongly associated with liver fibrosis and cirrhosis, while miR-92a, miR-27b-3p, and miR-92a-3p are potential liver cancer biomarkers.

Ace Therapeutics has extensive experience in the field of diagnostic technology development. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Lin, H., et al., Micrornas as biomarkers for liver injury: Current knowledge, challenges and future prospects. Food Chem Toxicol, 2017. 110: p. 229-239.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.