Ace Therapeutics
Microbial Sequencing Platforms
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Microbial Sequencing Platforms


Ace Therapeutics has established a well-established sequencing platform targeting gut microbes in order to comprehensively study and analyze the role of gut microbes in different liver diseases and develop their additional potential in liver diseases.

As research progresses and technology evolves, scientists are exploring more roles for gut microbes in biomedicine. We provide advanced and complete sequencing platforms and related services to explore the role of gut microbes in liver disease.

Microbial Sequencing Platforms

What Can We Do?

Microbial Sequencing Platforms

In order to delve into the diagnostic, therapeutic, and other roles of gut microbes in liver disease, Ace Therapeutics offers specialized sequencing platforms targeting gut microbes to meet the needs of different research projects.

  • 16S/18S/ITS Sequencing

16S/18S/ITS sequencing is an important tool to study and analyze the diversity of gut microorganisms. 16S rDNA is an essential gene in all bacteria, so we use 16S rDNA to classify bacteria. For fungi, we used 18S rRNA and two ITS for identification. For different sequencing methods, we provide corresponding bioinformatic analysis services.

For 16S Sequencing

  • 16S rDNA metagenome analysis
  • Taxonomical assignment and read abundance estimation for all OTUs down to species level
  • Abundance estimation of bacterial and archaeal OTUs considering lineage-specific copy numbers of marker genes

For 18S Sequencing

  • Community composition analysis
  • Diversity analysis
  • Evolutionary analysis
  • Functional analysis
  • VPA analysis and others

For ITS Sequencing

  • Diversity and richness analysis
  • Comparative analysis
  • Evolutionary analysis
  • CCA analysis, PICRUSt, and others
  • Functional Gene Sequencing

Using functional gene sequencing, we help you determine the relationship between microbial populations and their environment. We offer comprehensive sequencing services for different functional genes to help you explore the role of gut microbes.

  • Microbial Whole Genome Sequencing

Whole genome sequencing has become an important tool for understanding the microbial world, including microbial whole genome sequencing and de novo microbial genome sequencing. We have a well-established platform for microbial whole-genome sequencing, which can provide you with accurate results quickly.

  • Microbial Metagenomic Sequencing

Microbial macrogenome sequencing allows the study and analysis of the genetic material of microbial communities recovered from complex environmental samples. Based on microbial macrogenome sequencing, we can determine the diversity and abundance of microbial communities for you, as well as provide you with functional analysis of all genes, metabolic pathways, and other information.

  • Microbial Metatranscriptomic Sequencing

Based on macro-transcriptome sequencing, we provide you with a culture-independent analysis of the microbial community, which provides an informative perspective to reveal active biochemical functions.

  • Microbial Multi-omics Sequencing

The multi-omics sequencing platform is a multi-omics analysis including genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Using the multi-omics sequencing platform, we can perform a more accurate and extensive analysis of the gut for the morning to further elucidate the roles and relationships of gut microbes.

Ace Therapeutics has a team of professionals in microbial sequencing. Our team is committed to keeping abreast of the latest sequencing technologies and aims to provide the most scientific sequencing services to our customers worldwide. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Yu, L. X.Schwabe, R. F. The gut microbiome and liver cancer: Mechanisms and clinical translation. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017. 14(9): p. 527-539.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.