Ace Therapeutics
LncRNA-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease
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LncRNA-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease


Ace Therapeutics has extensive experience in developing lncRNA-based diagnostic technology development for liver disease. Based on our comprehensive and advanced technology platform and comprehensive service systems, our professional team provides targeted solutions for our clients' research projects worldwide.

It was found that lncRNAs play an important role in different pathological processes of liver disease. LncRNAs were significantly different in patients with liver disease compared to healthy controls and also differed significantly across liver diseases. Based on this feature, Ace Therapeutics provides high-quality services to develop diagnostic techniques that can be used in liver diseases.

What Can We Do?

LncRNA-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease

Based on extensive experience in drug development and knowledge of developing new drugs based on gut microorganisms, Ace Therapeutics offers exclusive services for different directions of the development of liver disease drugs to meet the needs of different research protocols.

  • Research Services on The Function of LncRNA in Liver Disease

An in-depth analysis of the role played by lncRNA in different liver diseases is the basis for lncRNA-based diagnostic technologies development for liver diseases. At Ace Therapeutics, we have advanced technology platforms and comprehensive equipment to provide high-quality and fast service for lncRNA research and analysis, saving you valuable effort and time.

We have extensive experience in providing services to a wide range of lncRNA researchers in the market, including lncRNA discovery, analysis, and related bioinformatics services. For the analysis and study of lncRNA function in liver disease, our scientists have developed comprehensive service systems to help you solve all the problems encountered in the process of developing lncRNA-based liver disease diagnostic technology.

LncRNA-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease

  • Evaluation of LncRNA as Biomarkers for Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease

The selection of appropriate lncRNA molecules as biomarkers is crucial to the development of diagnostic technologies for liver disease, which determines the success or failure of the diagnostic process developed. Ace Therapeutics has established a comprehensive service system to ensure the accuracy and scientific validity of lncRNA screening results. Based on our advanced technology platform and years of research experience, our scientists will develop the most suitable service plan for you according to your needs.

  • Sensitivity

The screened lncRNAs need to be detected in the early stages of liver disease in order to be used for early diagnosis of liver disease.

  • Specificity

The screened lncRNAs need to be able to accurately distinguish between patients with liver disease and the healthy in order to ensure the accuracy of the diagnostic results.

  • Broad Applicability

The screened lncRNAs need to be broadly applicable to a population in a certain region and can be universally applied to a population or a larger area.

  • Stable Expression

As a single-stranded mRNA, the stability of lncRNA is very important, which also influences the accuracy of diagnostic results to a great extent.

Ace Therapeutics has extensive experience in the field of diagnostic technology development. We have experienced scientists in the field of diagnostics and scientists in the field of RNA, and through the organic integration of the two, we can provide more accurate and scientific advice and recommendations to help your research be successful. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Han, S., et al., Long non-coding rnas in liver diseases: Focusing on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, alcohol-related liver disease, and cholestatic liver disease. Clin Mol Hepatol, 2020. 26(4): p. 705-714.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.