Ace Therapeutics
Hepatitis A Virus Research Services
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Hepatitis A Virus Research Services


Ace Therapeutics provides quality and efficient services in the field of hepatitis A virus (HAV) research to clients worldwide. We have extensive experience in the field of HAV research and can provide you with the most professional and appropriate services for your research.

HAV remains a global health problem, with the highest prevalence, especially in low-income countries. Despite the high availability of the HAV vaccine, there are still many unvaccinated people with HAV. Therefore, drug development and diagnostic technologies for HAV are very important.

Hepatitis A Virus Research Services

What Can We Do?

We have extensive research experience in the field of antiviral research. With our extensive research experience and advanced technology platform, we provide high-quality and efficient services for the development of diagnostic technologies for HAV drug development, saving valuable time for your research projects.

  • Drug Development for HAV

Despite the high availability of HAV vaccines, it is still very important to develop drugs against HAV. We offer a comprehensive development service for different types of anti-HAV drugs.

  • HAV Vaccine
    The availability and efficiency of the HVA vaccine are very high and it is the main way to prevent HAV infection. We have extensive research experience in the field of vaccine development to provide you with the most scientific service.
  • Host-Targeting Agent
    Several broad-spectrum host-targeting agents (HTAs) can significantly inhibit HAV replication, such as type I interferon, type II interferon, IL-29, JAK inhibitors, and small interfering RNAs. We have established targeted drug screening platforms that allow rapid screening of a large number of drug candidates.
  • Antiviral Drug
    The range of antiviral drugs is very broad, such as ribavirin, amantadine, natural compounds, and other compounds. We have different drug screening platforms for comprehensive and rapid screening of anti-HAV drugs.
  • Diagnostics Development for HAV

Although most of the world is vaccinated against HAV, there are still many countries that do not have full coverage. Since HAV is highly transmissible, appropriate diagnostic methods are also essential. We offer a wide range of services for the development of HAV diagnostics, including antibody testing, antigen testing, and nucleic acid testing.

  • We will provide radioimmunoassay, immunochemical staining, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immunoblotting, and dot blot immunogold filtration for the detection of anti-HAV antibodies to develop HAV diagnostic methods.
  • We will provide immunological assays such as radioimmunofocus assay, fluorescence focus assay, in situ radioimmunoassay, and in situ hybridization for the development of HAV diagnostic methods.
  • Nucleic acid testing of samples is a more sensitive way of diagnosis. We will optimize the nucleic acid testing process for HAV to make it easier and more accurate.

Ace Therapeutics has extensive research experience in the field of liver disease. We have a dedicated team to conduct HAV-related research. Through the polishing of hands-on experience and our own continuous improvement, our scientists and technicians guarantee the most scientific and professional service for your research. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Kanda, T., et al., Hepatitis a virus infection and molecular research. Int J Mol Sci, 2022. 23(13).

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.