Ace Therapeutics
Gut Microbial-Based Drug Development Services for Liver Disease
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Gut Microbial-Based Drug Development Services for Liver Disease


Ace Therapeutics provides comprehensive solutions to customers worldwide to target the research field of developing liver disease drugs based on gut microbes. Our scientists have over a decade of experience in the field of liver disease research. Based on our advanced technology platforms and comprehensive service system, we can help you in your liver disease drug development research.

Gut microbiota-based therapies have demonstrated promising therapeutic results in viral hepatitis, autoimmune liver disease, alcoholic liver disease, liver cancer, and other liver diseases. Both preclinical studies and clinical data suggest that it is a viable pathway to target the gut microbiota-liver axis as a therapeutic approach to treating liver disease. We have extensive experience in developing drugs based on gut microbes. In addition, with advanced sequencing platforms and other assays, we can measure the effects of our drug candidates across the board.

Gut Microbial-Based Drug Development Services for Liver Disease

What Can We Do?

Gut Microbial-Based Drug Development Services for Liver Disease

Based on extensive experience in drug development and knowledge of developing new drugs based on gut microorganisms, Ace Therapeutics offers exclusive services for different directions of the development of liver disease drugs to meet the needs of different research protocols.

  • Antibiotic Drug Development for the Treatment of Liver Disease

Antibiotics can treat liver diseases by modulating bacterial populations, reducing bacterial translocation, inhibiting inflammatory signals, suppressing the production of harmful bacterial metabolites, and other pathways. Based on the antibiotic screening platforms, we are able to achieve faster and more scientific high-throughput screening of antibiotics with potential therapeutic effects.

  • Antibiotic Screening Platform Targeting Bacterial Cell Walls
  • Antibiotic Screening Platform Targeting Microbial Cell Division
  • The Genome-Based Antibiotic Screening Platform
  • The Competition-Based Antibiotic Screening Platform
  • Screening Platform Based on Existing Antibiotic Derivatives
  • Probiotic Development for the Treatment of Liver Disease

Probiotics are one of the important means to rebalance the gut microbiota in chronic liver disease by restoring beneficial bacteria, but there are still many problems to be solved in using probiotics for liver disease. Based on a solid knowledge system of probiotics and extensive experience in drug development, we have been working hard to solve these problems so that probiotics can achieve the prevention and treatment of liver disease.

  • For the existing probiotic drug dosage forms, we have established perfect improvement workflows, which can effectively prolong the colonization time of probiotics in the intestinal tract.
  • For different combinations of probiotics, we have established excellent screening and evaluation systems, which can greatly shorten the time to obtain probiotic formulations.
  • FMT for the Treatment of Liver Disease

Fecal Microbiota Transfer (FMT) has been used in clinical trials including nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, cirrhosis, Clostridium difficile infection, and other diseases. FMT is often combined with antibiotic therapy, in addition to the potential risk of FMT carrying other pathogens, which limits the widespread use of FMT. To address these issues while promoting the use of FMT for liver disease treatment, we offer comprehensive services to facilitate your research.

  • The appropriate mode of administration is crucial for FMT. We will implement FMT administration through capsules, enemas, nasal-intestinal administration, and other ways.
  • We will perform comprehensive testing of the fecal microbiota to detect potential pathogenic microorganisms and conduct a thorough evaluation of the safety of the fecal microbiota.

Preclinical Pharmacology Services

Ace Therapeutics provides NAFLD-related cellular and animal models for pharmacological proof-of-principle studies of candidate NAFLD therapies to fully evaluate their efficacy and explore their pharmacological mechanisms of action. Our scientists have extensive research experience in animal models, detection, and endpoint of NAFLD. In addition, to meet the specific needs of your experiment, we can design and customize new experimental models for you.

  • Different Models of Liver Disease
  • Pathogen Detection Services
  • Microbial Sequencing Services
  • DNA Sequencing (16S/18S/ITS)
  • Functional Gene Sequencing
  • Microbial Multi-omics Sequencing Services
  • Gut Microbial Community Analysis
  • Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Technology
  • PacBio SMRT Sequencing
  • Nanopore Sequencing Platform

Ace Therapeutics has a dedicated team and hands-on experience in the development of gut microbial-based drugs for liver disease. We can provide high-quality data and a fast turnaround time to support the development of gut microbial-based drugs. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Yu, L. X.Schwabe, R. F. The gut microbiome and liver cancer: Mechanisms and clinical translation. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017. 14(9): p. 527-539.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.