Ace Therapeutics
Gut Microbial-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease
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Gut Microbial-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease


Ace Therapeutics provides high-quality and efficient services to customers worldwide to facilitate the development of liver disease diagnostics targeting gut microbes. We have scientists in the fields of hepatology, microbiology, and computing who can collaborate to help you realize your research on identifying liver disease through machine learning.

As the study of gut microbe intensifies, scientists are gradually unraveling the mystery of gut microbe. And the role of gut microbe in diagnosis is gradually being discovered. Many clinical trials have shown that the gut microbe of stool samples from patients with liver disease is significantly different from that of healthy controls, suggesting a viable way to diagnose liver disease by detecting the gut microbiota. Based on scientists in the field of microbiology and advanced microbiology research platforms, we have an unparalleled advantage in gut microbiota analysis. We also have highly skilled computer scientists who can develop and optimize machine learning computational methods as needed to greatly exploit the potential of gut microbiota-based liver disease diagnostic techniques.

miRNA-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease

What Can We Do?

Analytical Services for Gut Microbe

Ace Therapeutics offers a wide range of quality services in microbial identification, sequencing, proteomics, and metabolomics. We will provide you with a fast and accurate analysis of your samples and will generate a clear and critical report for you according to your needs.

  • Microbial Sequencing Platforms
  • 16S/18S/ITS Sequencing
  • Functional Gene Sequencing
  • Microbial Whole Genome Sequencing
  • Microbial Metagenomic Sequencing
  • Microbial Metatranscriptomic Sequencing
  • Microbial Multi-omics Seque
  • Microbial Metabolomics Platforms
  • Untargeted Gut Metabolomics
  • Targeted Metabolomics
  • Gut Microbiome Analysis
  • Microbial Proteomics
  • Microbial Identification

Gut Microbial-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease

Ace Therapeutics has a professional team and high technology. Based on extensive research and rich samples, our scientists can develop tools for you to use in the diagnosis of liver disease according to your needs.

Studies have shown that some changes occur in the intestinal flora of patients with the liver disease compared to normal controls. Some bacteria will increase, such as Kiloniellaceae, Pasteurellaceae, Lactobacillaceae, Lachnospiraceae, and Veillonellaceae, while some bacteria will decrease, such as Ruminococcaceae, Porphyromonadaceae, and Firmicutes. Based on the changes in the gut microbiota in different liver diseases, we can quickly screen for important microbial communities and use them as a basis for the development of diagnostic tools.

Ace Therapeutics has professional and experienced scientists in the field of liver disease, microbiology, and computer science. We also have more than ten years of experience in developing diagnostic tools and can provide more constructive advice for your project and help you to finish the development of diagnostic tools as soon as possible. If you have any comments or questions, please contact us so we can help you better.


  1. Yu, L. X.Schwabe, R. F., The gut microbiome and liver cancer: Mechanisms and clinical translation. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2017. 14(9): p. 527-539.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.