Ace Therapeutics
Exosome-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease
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Exosome-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease


Ace Therapeutics is committed to providing the most professional and scientific research services for liver disease researchers around the world.

Exosomes are rich in bioactive components and play an important role in the diagnosis of various diseases. Therefore, we provide a comprehensive service to explore the role of exosomes in liver disease diagnosis. Our scientists have extensive research experience in the field of liver disease diagnosis. At the same time, our service has also been verified by many parties. Based on our advanced technology platform and professional technical team, we aim to facilitate the research progress of your diagnostic development.

Exosome-Based Diagnostic Technology Development for Liver Disease

What Can We Do?

Based on our rich experience in the development of diagnostic techniques and continuous research on liver diseases, we provide a comprehensive service system for the development of exosome-based diagnostic techniques for liver diseases to meet the needs of different research protocols.

  • Extraction & Identification of Exosomes

Exosomes are widely present in various body fluids of the body, and we can select exosomes in the corresponding body fluids for analysis according to experimental requirements. To obtain exosomes with high purity, we had to ensure that all cell debris and other unwanted impurities were removed. Therefore, exosome extraction is crucial in exosome-based studies. We provide different methods for exosome extraction, such as density gradient centrifugation, differential centrifugation, volume exclusion, immunoseparation, polymer precipitation, and kit method.

After obtaining highly purified exosomes, it is necessary to identify exosomes to study their functions.

  • We have electron microscopy analysis technology to determine the size and morphology of exosomes
  • We have particle size detection technology to detect the distribution of exosome size in order to sort out the exosome size distribution
  • We will detect exosome biomarkers by western blotting and flow cytometry.
  • Liquid Biopsy for Liver Disease Diagnosis

Given the unique advantages of liquid biopsies in the diagnosis of liver disease and the ubiquitous nature of exosomes in biological fluids, exosomes are attractive targets for blood-based liquid biopsies. We provide you with comprehensive development services for exosome-based liquid biopsy to facilitate the smooth development of your research.

  • We have established a stable model development service for different types of liver diseases and can develop the most appropriate experimental model for your research needs and then optimize the method of exosome-based liver disease biopsy.
  • We will use gene chip and protein chip technology to find liver disease-specific genes and proteins according to your research purpose for the diagnosis of liver disease.
  • We will further verify and screen the target biomarkers through in vitro experimental models to obtain more accurate target biomarkers.

Ace Therapeutics has a dedicated team and practical experience in developing exosome-based diagnostic technologies for liver disease. We can provide high-quality data and a fast turnaround time to support your research project. If you want to know more about our services, please feel free to contact us.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.