Ace Therapeutics
Drug Development Services for Viral Hepatitis
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Drug Development Services for Viral Hepatitis


Ace Therapeutics is committed to providing the most scientific and appropriate technical assistance and support to viral hepatitis investigators worldwide. Our experienced and extensive drug development services are designed to meet the needs of a wide range of investigators.

Despite the maturity and prevalence of vaccines against viral hepatitis, many people continue to suffer from viral hepatitis. We aim to support progress in the development of drugs for viral hepatitis by providing comprehensive drug development services.

Drug Development for Viral Hepatitis

What Can We Do?

We have extensive hands-on experience in the field of viral drug development. Our scientists will provide you with the most suitable service plan according to your experimental project.

  • Development of Antiviral Drugs Targeting the Hepatitis Virus Life Cycle

The development of antiviral drugs that target the hepatitis virus life cycle is the most direct and effective way to block virus replication. We offer drug discovery services for different types of compounds.

  • For natural compounds with potential antiviral activity, we offer a full range of services from extraction, isolation, and in vitro and in vivo anti-hepatitis virus activity assays to the mechanism of action studies.
  • For compounds with potential antiviral activity, we offer a full range of services from chemical synthesis, and in vitro and in vivo anti-hepatitis virus activity assays to the mechanism of action studies.
  • For siRNA drugs with potential antiviral activity, we provide a full range of services from siRNA design and preparation to evaluation of the siRNA antiviral activity. 
  • For other types of drugs, such as antisense nucleic acid drugs, reverse transcriptase inhibitors, nucleocapsid inhibitors, and gene editing drugs, we also offer comprehensive drug development services.
  • Development of Therapeutic Antibodies for Viral Hepatitis

Suitable therapeutic antibodies are often able to rapidly and effectively reduce the level of hepatitis virus and facilitate the functioning of the autoimmune system. We offer services for the development of targeted therapeutic antibodies against hepatitis viruses.

  • For known antigens, we can construct phage display libraries for effective screening
  • For unknown antigens, we can develop specific antibodies using virus-infected cells or tissues.
  • We can modify antibodies to improve their therapeutic properties through antibody engineering techniques.
  • Viral Hepatitis Drug Development for Targeted Interferons

Interferon can effectively inhibit the replication of the hepatitis virus. We offer a full range of drug development services for interferon.

  • We have established services for the development and evaluation of antiviral active interferons and their analogues to discover more potent interferon drugs.
  • We will provide comprehensive chemical modification services for interferon to improve its effect.
  • We have developed evaluation models to evaluate the effect of interferon in combination with other antiviral drugs to identify more effective therapies.
  • We will provide liver-targeted interferon studies to enhance the antiviral effect of interferon.

Ace Therapeutics has extensive research experience in the field of viral hepatitis. We are always committed to providing our best research services in all areas of viral hepatitis research to facilitate the smooth progress of your research. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Duraisamy, G. S., et al., Advanced therapeutics, vaccinations, and precision medicine in the treatment and management of chronic hepatitis b viral infections; where are we and where are we going? Viruses. 2020. 12(9).

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.