Ace Therapeutics
Drug Development Services for DILI
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Drug Development Services for DILI


Ace Therapeutics is an expert in the field of drug development for drug induced liver injury (DILI). Our experts have extensive research experience in the field of DILI and are able to provide you with the most appropriate drug development services.

Drug-induced liver injury is a serious public health problem. The most definitive treatment available is the immediate suspension of the causative drug and avoidance of re-exposure. Typically, liver injury recovers spontaneously after drug discontinuation. However, drug discontinuation may lead to more serious consequences of the primary disease, and therefore, drug-induced liver injury has been a major difficulty in clinical treatment.

Drug Development for DILI

What Can We Do?

Currently, there are four main types of drugs used to treat DILI, namely hepatoprotective drugs, anticholestatic drugs, immunosuppressants, and specific treatments. Therefore, based on our professional team and advanced technology platform, we provide targeted drug development services according to different types.

  • Hepatoprotective Drug Development for DILI

Hepatoprotective drugs refer to drugs that can improve liver function, promote liver cell regeneration or enhance liver detoxification, and can effectively alleviate drug-induced liver damage. We provide exclusive drug development services for liver-protective drugs with different mechanisms of action.

  • For detoxifying hepatoprotective drugs, on the one hand, we will screen for detoxifying hepatoprotective targets by high throughput techniques to expand the range of drug candidates. On the other hand, based on the mechanism of action of existing detoxification and hepatoprotective drugs, we will screen the compound library to obtain candidates with similar structures.
  • For anti-inflammatory hepatoprotective drugs, we can extensively screen for inflammation and oxidation-related targets, along with advanced drug screening techniques to obtain potential anti-inflammatory hepatoprotective drugs.
  • For hepatocyte membrane repair by hepatoprotective agents, we will extensively screen phospholipids and identify compounds for hepatocyte membrane repair by in vitro experiments in high throughput.
  • Anticholestatic Drug Development for DILI

A variety of drugs can cause bile duct damage thereby causing an inflammatory response against bile duct cells. Therefore, anti-cholestatic drugs are an effective way to treat DILI. We offer a wide range of drug development services for the development of anti-cholestatic drugs for DILI.

  • Based on the already discovered anticholestatic drugs such as ursodeoxycholic acid, we will screen or synthesize new drugs with potential anticholestatic activity by analyzing the chemical structure analysis of these drugs.
  • We will screen for therapeutic targets for cholestatic liver disease through high throughput screening techniques such as gene microarrays and protein microarrays. Based on our state-of-the-art drug discovery platform, we will then conduct extensive screening and evaluation of drugs with anti-cholestatic activity.
  • Immunosuppressant Development for DILI

Adaptive immune attack is also a common event in DILI and it can mediate both DILI and extrahepatic immune injury. Therefore, immunosuppression plays an important role in the treatment of DILI.

  • Given the anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, anti-allergic, and anti-shock activities of glucocorticoids, it is widely used in the immune response due to DILI. Accordingly, we will screen extensively for drug candidates with similar activities.
  • We will perform high-throughput screening of immunosuppressive targets to identify more promising drug candidates.
  • Specific Treatments Development for DILI

In addition to the common events, DILI has some low incidence or as yet unknown injuries, such as 3-ketovaleric acid-induced liver injury, hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome, hepatic veno-occlusive disease, and other diseases. We will build the appropriate experimental model for each case and develop a targeted drug. We have established comprehensive and accurate drug development services to save your valuable research practice.

Ace Therapeutics has extensive hands-on experience in the field of drug development at DILI. With our state-of-the-art scientific and technological platform and avant-garde service system, we will provide the strongest proof for your research. If you need any further assistance, please contact us.


  1. Li, M., et al., Pharmacotherapies for drug-induced liver injury: A current literature review. Front Pharmacol. 2021. 12: p. 806249.

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