Ace Therapeutics
Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Prohibitin
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Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Prohibitin


Ace Therapeutics is an expert in the field of liver disease. With our extensive hands-on experience, we aim to provide a one-stop research platform for liver disease researchers.

The prohibitin (PHB) family consists of two members, PHB1 and PHB2. PHB1 prevents cell metastasis while PHB2 is important for maintaining the stability of mitochondrial morphology and function. They play important roles in physiological and pathological processes and are considered to be effective drug targets. PHBs also play an important role in the pathology of liver disease. We provide comprehensive drug development services for the role of the PHB family in liver diseases.

Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Prohibitin

What Can We Do?

In view of the important role of PHB in the pathological process of liver disease, our professional team will provide you with a complete drug development service for liver disease targeting PHB.

  • Liver Disease Drug Development Targeting PHB1

Studies have shown that PHB1 is associated with a variety of liver disease pathogenesis, including but not limited to hepatitis, liver fibrosis, and cirrhosis. For PHB1 activity, we provide comprehensive drug development services for liver diseases.

  • We targeted PHB1 to screen for antioxidants with therapeutic activity in liver disease to address the regulatory role of PHB1 on oxidative stress in the course of liver disease.
  • To target the regulatory role of PHB1 on inflammation during liver disease, we targeted PHB1 to screen for small molecule compounds that can effectively inhibit hepatitis.
  • Based on the anti-proliferative activity and cell metastasis blocking the activity of PHB1, we will screen PHB1 modulators for inhibition of further progression of hepatocellular carcinoma.
  • Liver Disease Drug Development Targeting PHB2

PHB2 has an important role in the maintenance of mitochondrial morphology and function, and it is an important regulator of the maintenance of intracellular homeostasis. Based on the activity of PHB2, we provide a comprehensive drug development service for PHB2 in liver diseases.

  • Based on a high-throughput drug screening platform, we will target PHB2 to screen for small molecule modulators that can effectively enhance oxidative stress tolerance in hepatocytes to counteract oxidative stress during liver disease.
  • In view of the regulatory role of PHB2 on transcription factors, we will perform high-throughput screening and analysis of PHB2 based on gene microarray technology and protein microarray technology to target differential pathways for liver disease drug development.
  • In view of the important role of PHB2 in the maintenance of cellular activity, we targeted PHB2 to screen for small molecule regulators that effectively inhibit cell death in order to effectively curb cell death caused by liver disease injury.

Our Preclinical Activity Evaluation Services Include

  • Construction of different experimental models for liver disease
  • Comprehensive evaluation of liver injury
  • Biomarkers detection

Ace Therapeutics has a full range of research platforms and experimental models for liver disease to support the development of PHB-based drugs for liver disease. We have the hands-on experience to provide you with high-quality data and fast turnaround times to support drug development targeting epigenetic mechanisms. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.