Ace Therapeutics
Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Mitochondria
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Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Mitochondria


Ace Therapeutics is an expert in the field of liver disease drug development. Our scientists are keen to identify potential liver disease drug targets and provide quality service solutions to relevant investigators.

Mitochondria as Therapeutic Targets for Liver Diseases

The structural and functional integrity of mitochondria is essential for the survival of hepatocytes. During liver disease, mitochondria are extensively involved in multiple pathological pathways. At the same time, the mechanisms of liver injury are extensive, but mitochondria are the most vulnerable organelles. Therefore, targeting mitochondria to develop liver disease drugs is an important pathway in the research of developing liver disease drugs.

Figure 1. Mitochondrial dysfunction and liver diseases.Figure 1. Mitochondrial dysfunction in liver diseases. (Chen P., et al. 2024)

What Can We Do?

Mitochondria are involved in multiple metabolic pathways in the liver disease process, regulating different physiological and pathological pathways, and are a potential therapeutic target for liver disease. We target the different roles of mitochondria to provide targeted liver disease drug development services.

  • Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Mitochondria-mediated Oxidative Stress Function

Given that mitochondria are the main site of cellular biological oxidation and energy conversion and are involved in various metabolic pathways including free radical production, we provide comprehensive drug development services for the development of liver disease drugs targeting mitochondria-mediated oxidative stress.

  • To address the function of mitochondrial ROS production, on the one hand, we will perform high-throughput screening of mitochondrial antioxidants to prevent mitochondrial oxidative damage, and on the other hand, we will screen for inhibitors of key enzymes in the mitochondrial respiratory chain to inhibit ROS production.
  • Given the role of mitochondrial DNA in liver disease, we will target respiratory inhibitors, mitochondrial respiratory uncouplers, and mtDNA replication inhibitors to screen potential drug candidates in a comprehensive manner and increase the chance of success.
  • We have constructed different models with pathological processes of oxidative stress in liver disease that can meet different research needs.
  • Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Since mitochondrial dysfunction is prevalent in patients with liver disease, including ultrastructural mitochondrial damage, abnormal morphological changes, and increased outer and inner membrane permeability, we offer a comprehensive drug development service for mitochondrial dysfunction.

  • In view of the induction of mitochondrial dysfunction by mitochondrial quality control mechanisms, we will provide high-throughput screening of modulators for key regulators of mitochondrial quality control mechanism processes, such as screening of SIRT3 activators.
  • For mitochondrial damage, we will combine drug phenotypic screening and virtual screening to screen for modulators that can effectively improve mitochondrial function.

Ace Therapeutics has extensive research experience in the field of developing drugs for liver disease targeting mitochondria. Our services cover different mitochondrial mechanisms of action in liver disease to meet the needs of different studies. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Chen P., et al. Mitochondrial dysfunction: A promising therapeutic target for liver diseases. Genes Dis. 2023, 11(3):101115.

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