Ace Therapeutics
Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Epigenetics
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Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Epigenetics


Ace Therapeutics is an expert in the field of liver disease. With our extensive hands-on experience, we aim to provide a one-stop research platform for liver disease researchers.

As research progresses, scientists are discovering that epigenetic mechanisms are an important drug target. It plays an important role in many diseases. The field of liver disease is no exception, epigenetic mechanisms affect the physiological processes and pathological processes of the liver from different perspectives. Therefore, the development of drugs for liver diseases by targeting epigenetic mechanisms is an important research direction and a potential therapeutic avenue for the treatment of liver diseases.

Drug Development for Liver Disease Targeting Epigenetics

What Can We Do?

We have advanced research platforms related to epigenetic mechanisms, such as drug screening platforms targeting epigenetic mechanisms and multi-omics research platforms. Based on our rich experience and advanced technology, we are committed to providing you with quality research services for targeted liver diseases.

  • Antiviral Drug Development Targeting Epigenetic Mechanisms

A growing body of research findings suggests that epigenetic mechanisms are important targets for the treatment of viral infections. We have established a comprehensive drug development service to interfere with the viral infection process for the treatment of viral hepatitis in a regulatory manner based on epigenetic mechanisms, such as DNA methylation, histone modification, chromatin remodeling, and non-coding RNA interference.

  • We will perform high-throughput screening using epigenetic-related enzymes to obtain regulators of the corresponding epigenetic-related enzymes.
  • Given that DNA methylation in hepatitis viruses is an important host defense mechanism, we will target DNA methylation of hepatitis viruses for drug candidate screening.
  • Based on our various in vitro models of viral hepatitis, we will perform a preliminary screening of epigenetic mechanism modulators to obtain candidate antiviral drugs.
  • Drug Development Targeting Epigenetic Mechanisms for Liver Diseases

In addition to its impact on viral proliferation, epigenetic mechanisms are involved in regulating the pathological processes of many diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and liver diseases. Therefore, we have developed a comprehensive drug development platform targeting epigenetic mechanisms to fully support epigenetic-based drug screening for liver diseases and research on the mechanism of action of liver disease drugs.

  • Targeting epigenetic mechanisms drug screening platforms

We have an advanced drug screening platform that targets epigenetic mechanisms. The drug screening platform can be combined with liver disease models to allow efficient preliminary screening of compounds with therapeutic activity in liver disease.

  • Preclinical evaluation of drug candidates

We can provide different models of liver disease to evaluate the effect of drug candidates.

We can provide pathological tests and other methods to detect liver damage.

We can provide technologies such as epigenomic, epitranscriptomic, and epiproteomic to detect the mechanisms of gene regulation of DNA, RNA, and proteins in liver disease by drugs.

Ace Therapeutics has a team of professionals in the field of developing targeted drugs for the treatment of liver diseases. We have the practical experience to provide you with high-quality data and fast turnaround times to support drug development targeting epigenetic mechanisms. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.