Ace Therapeutics
Custom Pancreatitis Models
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Custom Pancreatitis Models


Leveraging our extensive expertise in animal modeling, pathophysiology and pharmacology, Ace Therapeutics develops customized pancreatitis models that accurately recapitulate both acute and chronic forms of the disease. Our models are meticulously designed to provide invaluable insights into disease progression and support the identification of novel drug targets, efficacy testing, and safety profiling.

Introduction to Pancreatitis

The pancreas is a crucial organ responsible for digestion and glucose regulation, and its inflammation, known as pancreatitis, can manifest in two major forms: acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis is a sudden, severe inflammation, often due to gallstones or excessive alcohol intake, leading to premature enzyme activation and self-digestion of the pancreas. Chronic pancreatitis results from prolonged inflammation, often linked to long-term alcohol abuse, genetics, or autoimmune disorders, causing irreversible damage, fibrosis, calcification, persistent pain, digestive issues, and endocrine dysfunction like diabetes.

Figure 1. Rodent models used in research of acute and chronic pancreatitisFigure 1. Animal models for acute and chronic pancreatitis studies (Lerch M.M., Gorelick F.S., 2013)

Custom Models of Acute Pancreatitis

  • In Vitro Models

We can utilize isolated pancreatic acini and functionally intact cells to study the effects of excessive stimulation by secretagogues like caerulein. This model is ideal for investigating early events in pancreatitis, including intracellular signaling, protease activation, and organelle function.

  • In Vivo Models
Model Types Medel Details Add-on Services
Secretagogue-Induced Models Intraperitoneal injection of caerulein in rodents repeatedly, inducing a mild and reversible form of pancreatitis. Study the role of digestive proteases, intracellular signaling, and potential therapeutic interventions.
Duct Obstruction Models Ligation of the pancreatic duct, mimicking the effects of gallstones or other obstructions. Study the mechanisms of pancreatic duct obstruction-induced pancreatitis and the role of lysosomal cathepsins in acinar cell damage.
Injection of bile acids directly into the pancreatic duct, inducing severe pancreatitis with high mortality. Investigate the role of bile acids in the pathogenesis of pancreatitis and test therapeutic interventions for severe disease.
Basic Amino Acid-Induced Models Intraperitoneal injection of high concentrations of L-arginine, inducing severe pancreatitis with high mortality. Study the role of nitric oxide and free oxygen radicals in pancreatitis pathogenesis.
Diet-Induced Models Feed rodents a choline-deficient diet enriched with ethionine, inducing severe necrotizing pancreatitis. Study the role of nutritional deficiencies in the pathogenesis of pancreatitis and test therapeutic interventions for severe disease.
Immune-Mediated Models Develop genetically predisposed strains of rodents that spontaneously develop autoimmune pancreatitis, such as MRL/Mp mice Investigate the pathogenesis of autoimmune pancreatitis and develop targeted therapies.

Custom Models of Chronic Pancreatitis

  • Biologic, Chemical, and Environmental Factor-Induced Models

We offer models induced by biological and chemical agents such as caerulein, LPS, and DBTC. These models help investigate the effects of repeated acute episodes, immune responses, and environmental toxins on the development of chronic pancreatitis. We also explore dietary influences (e.g., CDE diet) and environmental factors like cigarette smoke to provide comprehensive modeling options.

  • Genetic Models

Our genetic manipulation services allow the creation of chronic pancreatitis models through targeted mutations, particularly in genes relevant to human disease such as CFTR and KRAS. These models are essential for understanding the genetic basis of chronic pancreatitis and for testing gene-specific therapies.

Looking for a customized pancreatitis model for your research needs? Ace Therapeutics offers comprehensive services to design and develop tailored models that accurately mimic the pathophysiology and symptoms of pancreatitis you're interested in studying. Contact us today to discuss your research goals and explore how our disease models can contribute to your research.


  1. Lerch M.M., Gorelick F.S. Models of acute and chronic pancreatitis. Gastroenterology. 2013, 144(6):1180-93.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.