Ace Therapeutics
Custom Digestive Disease Models
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Custom Digestive Disease Models


Ace Therapeutics is a preclinical CRO specializing in the development of digestive system disease models. Our services empower researchers to advance their understanding of disease mechanisms and evaluate potential therapeutics, accelerating progress in digestive system research.

What Digestive Diseases Can We Model?

Customized animal models of food allergy
  • Food Allergy Disease Model Customization

Ace Therapeutics employs a multidisciplinary approach to offer customized platforms that propel food allergy research forward. Our services encompass the generation of intestinal organoids and microfluidic gut chips, replicating epithelial-immune-microbiota interactions. Additionally, we provide allergen sensitization, oral challenge, and genetically engineered mouse models, enabling comprehensive investigations into food allergy mechanisms and interventions.

Customized animal model of abdominal infectious disease
  • Abdominal Infection Disease Model Customization

We induce polymicrobial peritonitis via cecal ligation and puncture to accumulate bacteria within the peritoneal cavity, mimicking clinical infection pathogenesis. Our established model incorporates manipulation of microbiota colonization and immune function to replicate infection vulnerability. It serves as a tool supporting target identification and treatment efficacy testing in preclinical abdominal infection studies.

Customized animal models of multiple organ failure
  • Multiple Organ Failure Disease Model Customization

Through meticulous experimental design, we can induce sequential ischemic injury and reperfusion in key organs like the gut, liver and lungs of swine. This replicates the pathophysiological processes underlying multi-organ dysfunction. Our model offers researchers invaluable insights by allowing them to investigate the intricate mechanisms of injury across different tissues over time.

Our Disease Model Customization Services

Stem Cell Services Microengineering Services In Vitro Immunological Model Customization Animal Models Customization CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Editing
  • Leveraging stem cell culture and differentiation techniques to generate intestinal organoids, enabling the study of disease mechanisms and drug screening.
  • Utilizing microfluidic gut chips to mimic the complex epithelial-immune-microbiota interactions in the digestive system, facilitating personalized pathway elucidation.
  • Employing advanced in vitro systems, such as co-culture models with immune cells and intestinal epithelial cells, to investigate immune responses and interactions involved in digestive system diseases.
  • Developing chemically inducible as well as genetically engineered mouse models to simulate the physiological and pathological conditions of digestive system diseases.
  • Utilizing CRISPR-Cas9 technology to introduce specific genetic modifications in cell lines or animal models, allowing for precise investigation of disease-related genes and pathways.

Highlights of Our Digestive Disease Models & Customization Services

  • Metagenomic Insights into the Microbiome

We apply metagenomic sequencing and bioinformatics analysis to provide insights into the gut microbiome's composition, functional capabilities, and relationship to digestive health and disease. We tailor and apply these techniques to meet your specific research needs.

  • Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)

Employing high-throughput sequencing technologies, we can help customers analyze gene expression profiles, identify genetic variants, and perform comprehensive genomic analyses of digestive system diseases.

  • Comprehensive Pharmacology Studies

Our services include conducting thorough pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analyses. This helps evaluate drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, target engagement, and pathway modulation to support drug development.

  • Imaging and Molecular Imaging Techniques

Using advanced imaging technologies like MRI, CT, PET, and optical imaging, we visualize and track disease progression, monitor drug delivery, and assess therapeutic responses in the digestive system.

  • Bioinformatics and Computational Modeling

Through the utilization of bioinformatics tools and computational modeling approaches, we analyze complex datasets to uncover patterns, predict drug-target interactions, and simulate disease processes in silico, aiding in the development of targeted interventions.

Are you seeking cutting-edge solutions for digestive system disease research and drug development? Look no further than Ace Therapeutics. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and unlock new insights in the field of digestive system diseases.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.