Ace Therapeutics
Custom Cholecystitis Models
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Custom Cholecystitis Models


Ace Therapeutics, a trusted provider of tailored solutions in disease modeling and research. We specialize in offering cholecystitis model customization services, designed to meet the specific needs of researchers in this field. With our expertise and commitment to scientific excellence, we provide comprehensive support for studying cholecystitis and advancing drug development for this complex disease.

What Is Cholecystitis?

Cholecystitis refers to the inflammation of the gallbladder, often caused by gallstones or bacterial infection. It is characterized by symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, and nausea. Understanding the underlying mechanisms of cholecystitis is crucial for developing effective treatments and improving patient outcomes.

Figure 1. Histopathological analysis of a guinea pig model of acute cholecystitisFigure 1. Histopathological analysis (100×) and inflammation scores over time in the guinea pig models of acute cholecystitis (Ding F., et al., 2023)

Our R&D Services for Cholecystitis

  • Cholecystitis Model Development

We meticulously design animal models to recapitulate key features and pathophysiological aspects of cholecystitis, ensuring their relevance to preclinical research. Through close collaboration with our customers, we tailor the models to their specific research objectives, providing a customized approach to meet their unique needs.

Options Details
Disease Types
  • Acute cholecystitis
  • Chronic cholecystitis
We aim to provide comprehensive insights into disease mechanisms and potential therapeutic interventions.
Animal Species
  • Mice: Preferred for genetic studies and for understanding the molecular and genetic aspects of cholecystitis.
  • Rats: Often used for pharmacological studies due to their larger size, which facilitates surgical procedures and drug administration.
Modeling Methods
  • Surgical Induction: Involves the ligation of the cystic duct to mimic gallstone-induced cholecystitis.
  • Chemical Induction: Utilizes agents like lipopolysaccharides (LPS) or diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC) to induce inflammation.
  • Genetic Models: Employs genetically modified animals that are predisposed to develop cholecystitis, offering insights into genetic factors and potential genetic therapies.
  • Cholecystitis Model Validation

We rigorously validate disease models by comparing disease markers and histopathological features with those observed in human cholecystitis, ensuring model reliability and relevance.

  • Histopathological Analysis
Projects Service Details
Tissue Collection and Processing We collect and process the gallbladder and surrounding tissues from animal models at various stages of disease progression or post-treatment.
Microscopic Examination Detailed histopathological examinations are performed to identify inflammation, tissue damage, and other pathological changes.
Quantitative Analysis We provide quantitative analysis of histopathological features, offering insights into the extent and severity of cholecystitis.
  • Biomarker Discovery

Biological samples (such as blood and tissue) are collected from animal models and analyzed using advanced techniques to identify potential biomarkers. We can help customers identify and validate biomarkers that can be used for early diagnosis and monitoring treatment response in cholecystitis.

  • Pharmacological Services
Projects Service Details
Efficacy Assessment Using our customized cholecystitis models, we assess the efficacy of new drugs and treatment regimens, monitoring changes in clinical symptoms and disease markers.
Safety Profiling We conduct safety assessments to identify potential side effects and establish the safety profile of new treatments.
Dose-Response Studies Our services include dose-response studies to determine the optimal dosage of therapeutic agents.

Partner with Ace Therapeutics to leverage our expertise in cholecystitis disease modeling and accelerate your research towards finding effective treatments. Our customized animal models and comprehensive R&D services are designed to provide you with reliable data. Contact us today to discuss your research needs and discover how we can support your scientific endeavors.


  1. Ding F., et al. Impact of interstitial cells of Cajal on slow wave and gallbladder contractility in a guinea pig model of acute cholecystitis. World J Gastrointest Surg. 2023, 15(6):1068-1079.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.