Ace Therapeutics
Custom Biliary Disease Models
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Custom Biliary Disease Models


Ace Therapeutics specializes in offering biliary disease model customization services that cater to the diverse needs of researchers and pharmaceutical companies. With our expertise, we can develop disease models that faithfully replicate the intricate features of biliary diseases, including cholestasis and biliary cirrhosis.

What Biliary Diseases Can We Model?

Ace Therapeutics focuses on several common biliary diseases. Our technology platform enables highly tailored modeling of these complex biliary pathologies for research into novel diagnostics and therapeutics.

Customized animal models of biliary diseases and R&D services
  • Cholecystitis: Tailor disease models to replicate the characteristics and inflammatory processes of cholecystitis, enabling in-depth research and therapeutic investigations.
  • Cholangitis: Develop customized disease models mimicking cholangitis to study inflammatory mechanisms, microbial interactions, and test novel candidates.
  • Biliary Atresia: Create personalized disease models that closely resemble biliary atresia, facilitating the understanding of disease pathogenesis and the development of targeted therapeutic approaches.
  • Gallstones: Construct disease models of gallstones to explore the formation, composition, and related complications, advancing diagnostic and drug development.

What Types of Biliary Disease Models Can We Customize?

  • Bile Duct Organoid Customization

We have extensive experience generating organoids from cholangiocytes isolated from various species and disease states. Through organoid biobanking, CRISPR engineering, stem cell differentiation and microfluidic strategies, we develop tailored models to elucidate pathogenic mechanisms and test therapies for a wide range of biliary conditions.

  • Animal Model Customization

Our expertise lies in customizing animal models for biliary diseases using various techniques.

  • For primary biliary cholangitis, we chemically induce cholangitis in rodents and lagomorphs.
  • In the case of primary sclerosing cholangitis, we utilize targeted microbiome manipulations in susceptible species.
  • To study cholangiocarcinoma, we offer patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models that accurately represent tumor heterogeneity.

What Can We Do for Preclinical Biliary Disease Research?

  • Mechanistic Studies

Our customized biliary disease models support in-depth investigations of pathogenic mechanisms. Clients can leverage our various omics techniques to unravel complex molecular pathways influencing disease initiation and progression. Through multi-panel profiling, we help characterize the altered networks and interactions underlying a particular disease state.

  • Drug Discovery & Development

Ace Therapeutics offers preclinical testing services to evaluate novel therapeutic candidates using customized biliary disease platforms. This includes screening pharmacology, ADME profiling, efficacy studies and analyses of drug response dynamics. We can help clients identify and validate novel targets and evaluate therapeutics that may serve as disease interventions.

  • Diagnostic Technology Development

Through our biliary disease model customization service at Ace Therapeutics, we assist customers in developing cutting-edge disease diagnosis technology. Clients can leverage our specialized in vitro and in vivo platforms tailored to evaluate emerging biomarkers, imaging approaches, or other diagnostic modalities, paving the way for accurate and early detection of biliary diseases.

Our Technology Platform for Biliary Disease Research

Organoid Engineering Stem Cell Technologies CRISPR/Cas9 Molecular Biology Technology High-Content Imaging
  • We utilize primary organoid biobanking and genomic engineering to develop customized biliary organoids.
  • Induced pluripotent and tissue-specific stem cells are employed for precision differentiation into biliary cell lineages.
  • Our genome editing capabilities support the introduction of clinically relevant mutations into model systems.
  • State-of-the-art techniques such as microarrays, RNAseq and proteomics enable in-depth characterization of disease states.
  • Automated microscopy and image analysis quantify phenotypic and functional drug responses.

Are you seeking tailored models to study biliary diseases? Contact us today to discuss your research needs and explore the possibilities of our customized services.

Related Products

Medium kits for biliary organoid culture
  • Mouse Bile Duct Organoid Culture Medium
  • Human Bile Duct Organoid Culture Medium

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.