Ace Therapeutics
Custom Animal Models for Bile Acid Metabolism Studies
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Custom Animal Models for Bile Acid Metabolism Studies


With our extensive expertise in the field of bile acid metabolism, Ace Therapeutics specializes in developing customized animal models to advance research in bile acid metabolism. Our deep understanding of bile acid metabolism allows us to develop reliable animal models that mimic various aspects of bile acid metabolism disorders, including cholestasis, gallstone disease, and bile acid synthesis defects, empowering researchers to gain valuable insights into the mechanisms, regulation, and therapeutic interventions related to bile acid metabolism.

Importance of Bile Acids in Metabolic Homeostasis

Bile acid metabolic homeostasis is crucial for maintaining liver and digestive health. It regulates the digestion and absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins, detoxifies waste products, and modulates cholesterol levels. Disturbances in bile acid balance can lead to liver diseases, metabolic disorders, and gastrointestinal issues, highlighting the importance of this finely tuned system in overall health.

Figure 1. Synthesis and metabolism of bile acids in humans and mice Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the major pathways for bile acid synthesis and metabolism in humans and mice (Li J., Dawson P.A., 2019)

Types of Animal Models We Can Develop

  • Custom Animal Models of Bile Acid Biosynthesis Defects

Ace Therapeutics specializes in developing custom animal models of bile acid biosynthesis defects. We offer a range of services, including genetic engineering of mice and rats to create specific mutations, surgical models of bile duct ligation, and pharmacological induction of cholestasis. Our expertise in animal husbandry and phenotyping ensures the creation of robust and reliable models for studying the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of these disorders.

Our Genetic Mouse Models for Studying Bile Acid Biosynthesis
  • CYP7A1 knockout
  • CYP8B1 knockout
  • CYP27A1 knockout
  • CYP46A1 knockout
  • CH25H knockout
  • CYP7B1 knockout
  • HSD3B7 knockout
  • AKR1D1 knockout
  • AMACR knockout
  • ACOX2 knockout
  • HSD17B4 knockout
  • SCP2 knockout
  • SLC27A5 knockout
  • ABCD3 knockout
  • CYP2C knockout
  • Custom Animal Models of Bile Acid Transporter Defects

Leveraging our expertise in bile acid metabolism, we can construct tailored animal models with various transporter deficiencies. We offer a range of options, including genetic engineering of mice and rats to create specific mutations in key transporter genes, as well as pharmacological induction of transporter dysfunction. These models enable researchers to investigate the intricate mechanisms underlying bile acid transport disorders, study disease progression, and assess potential candidates.

Our Genetic Mouse Models for Studying Bile Acid Transport
  • Ntcp (Slc10a1) knockout
  • Oatp knockout
  • Bsep knockout
  • Mdr2 (ABCB4) knockout
  • Atp8b1 (FIC1) knockout
  • Atp11c knockout
  • Asbt (SLC10A2) knockout
  • Ostα knockout
  • Our Non-Genetic Animal Models for Bile Acid Metabolism Studies
Modeling Methods Our Add-on Services
Bile Duct Ligation (BDL) Long-term studies of cholestatic liver disease, rapid fibrosis, and tumorigenesis.
Cholic Acid (CA) Feeding Inducing liver injury in genetically modified mice to study bile acid homeostasis and cholestasis.
Lithocholic Acid (LCA) Feeding Modeling of acute hepatotoxicity and cholestatic liver injury.
Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA) Feeding Protective studies against cholestatic disorders.
Bile Acid Sequestrants (BAS) Research on cholesterol metabolism, bile acid reabsorption, and associated liver diseases.

Our R&D Services for Bile Acid Metabolism

  • Pathogenesis Studies: Deep insights into bile acid homeostasis, cholestasis, and mechanisms of liver injury.
  • Therapeutic Research: Evaluate hepatoprotective agents, bile acid sequestrants, and other potential treatments for hepatic diseases.
  • Genetic Interaction Studies: Unmask susceptibilities to liver injury in genetically modified mice by combining genetic defects with bile acid feeding models.

At Ace Therapeutics, our custom animal model services for bile acid metabolism research offer comprehensive solutions tailored to your specific needs. By leveraging our specialized services in custom animal models for bile acid metabolism research, you will gain access to advance your research and drug development initiatives forward. Contact us today to discuss your project and receive a customized quote.


  1. Li J., Dawson P.A. Animal models to study bile acid metabolism. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2019, 1865(5):895-911.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.