Ace Therapeutics
Custom Acute Liver Injury Models
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Custom Acute Liver Injury Models


Ace Therapeutics specializes in developing customized acute liver injury models that cater to the unique needs of our customers. With our expertise in hepatology and advanced modeling techniques, we use a variety of animal species to recapitulate the complexities of acute liver injury, enabling researchers to gain valuable insights into disease mechanisms and evaluate potential therapeutic interventions.

Introduction to Acute Liver Injury

Acute liver injury is a sudden and severe impairment of liver function caused by factors such as viral infections, toxins, or drug overdose. Pathologically, it is characterized by extensive hepatocyte necrosis, inflammation, and disrupted liver architecture. This condition can lead to jaundice, coagulopathy, and encephalopathy, potentially progressing to acute liver failure if not promptly treated.

Figure 1. Animal models of acute liver injury induced by CCl4 and liver function reversal by drugsFigure 1. The mechanism of acute liver injury induced by CCl4 and liver function reversal by drugs in mice (Wei Y.Y., et al., 2023)

Custom Chemically Induced Models of Acute Liver Injury

Our chemically induced models simulate acute liver injury by administering hepatotoxic agents. These models are highly valuable for studying liver toxicity and the effects of therapeutic interventions.

  • Animal Species
    Mice, rats, pigs
  • Acetaminophen (APAP)-Induced Model
    We administer APAP in a controlled manner to induce hepatotoxicity, mimicking overdose scenarios in humans.
  • Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4)-Induced Model
    CCl4 is administered to induce liver damage through oxidative stress, useful for studying fibrosis and chronic liver injury.
  • Thioacetamide (TAA)-Induced Model
    TAA induces acute liver failure by causing centrilobular necrosis, providing insights into hepatotoxic mechanisms.
  • Add-on Services
    Mechanistic Studies: Understanding the biochemical pathways of liver injury.
    Drug Screening: Testing hepatoprotective and therapeutic agents in a high-throughput manner.

Custom Surgical Animal Models of Acute Liver Injury

Our surgical models involve precise surgical interventions to induce acute liver injury, allowing detailed studies of liver regeneration and repair mechanisms.

  • Animal Species
    Mice, rats, rabbits
  • Partial Hepatectomy
    Removal of a portion of the liver to study regenerative processes and the capacity to recover from injury in liver.
  • Bile Duct Ligation (BDL)
    Ligation of the bile duct to simulate obstructive cholestasis, useful for studying bile-induced liver injury and fibrosis.
  • Add-on Services
    Regeneration Studies: Investigating liver regeneration and repair mechanisms.
    Pathophysiological Studies: Understanding the development of liver diseases such as cholestasis and fibrosis.

Custom Genetic Models of Acute Liver Injury

We leverage advanced genetic engineering techniques, such as CRISPR/Cas9 and transgenic technologies, to create customized genetic models of acute liver injury. These models allow for the targeted investigation of specific genetic pathways involved in liver injury.

  • Animal Species
  • Add-on Services
    Pathological and Pharmacological Studies: Understanding the role of specific genes in liver injury, identifying potential drug targets, and evaluating the efficacy of gene therapy.

Custom Viral Infection Models of Acute Liver Injury

We utilize hepatotropic viruses to study viral hepatitis and its acute effects on liver tissue, replicating the human disease more closely.

  • Animal Species
    Non-human primates
  • Applications
    Studying the pathogenesis of viral hepatitis, evaluating the efficacy of antiviral drugs, and developing vaccines for viral hepatitis.

At Ace Therapeutics, we are committed to delivering high-quality, customized acute liver injury models that advance your research and facilitate the development of novel therapies. Contact us to discuss how our specialized services can support your project.


  1. Wei Y.Y., et al. Acute liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride reversal by Gandankang aqueous extracts through nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 signaling pathway. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2023, 251:114527.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.