Ace Therapeutics
Basic Research Services for Viral Hepatitis
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Basic Research Services for Viral Hepatitis


Basic Research Services for Viral Hepatitis

Ace Therapeutics has a team specializing in basic viral hepatitis research. We can provide comprehensive services for basic viral hepatitis research, not only for in-depth study of viral hepatitis infections, but also to help develop new antiviral drugs.

What Can We Do?

Based on our team's extensive research experience and rigorous services, we aim to provide you with the most appropriate and scientifically sound services for basic research on viral hepatitis. Our services cover different hepatitis viruses and all aspects of basic research on viral hepatitis.

  • Basic Research Services for Hepatitis A Virus Infection

The pathogenesis of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection and the mechanisms of hepatocyte injury are not fully understood. Given that studies have shown that HAV infection does not directly cause damage to host hepatocytes, we provide a comprehensive inquiry service for the immune response induced by viral hepatitis.

  • In order to accurately explore the pathological process of HAV infection, we will construct different experimental models of HAV infection according to your experimental needs.
  • Based on gene microarray and protein microarray technologies, we will rapidly identify specific biomarkers in the process of liver injury caused by HAV infection and then proceed to in-depth studies.
  • For clarifying the role of virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) in cells clear of viral infection, we will use different models to explore the role played by CTL in different pathological situations.
  • For liver injury in HAV infection caused by non-viral specific lymphocytes, we will focus on exploring the mechanism of the role of NK cells and CD8 T cells in this pathological process.
  • Given the important role of intrinsic apoptosis in HAV infection, we will target potential apoptotic pathways to discover specific targets.
  • Basic Research Services for Hepatitis B Virus Infection

Hepatitis B virus has established a chronic infection in more than 200 million people worldwide, which has a great impact on daily life. In view of this, we provide a comprehensive service for basic research on HBV infection in order to facilitate the progress of related research and, more importantly, to help develop new drugs to eradicate HBV infection.

  • We will provide different experimental models of HBV infection to meet the needs of different research projects.
  • We will explore the interactions between HBV, pattern recognition receptors, and interferon signaling at the molecular level to elucidate the role of all three in the suppression of the innate immune response to HBV.
  • Given the important role of natural killer cells (NK cells) in the innate immune response during HBV infection, we will provide different approaches to investigate NK cell receptors and NK cell-mediated immune responses depending on your research needs, and thus elucidate the role of NK cells in the HBV-induced innate immune response.
  • For the immunosuppressive function of HBsAg, we will provide different methods to explore the effect of HBsAg on T cells and related immune responses according to your research needs.
  • Basic Research Services for Hepatitis C Virus Infection & Hepatitis E Virus Infection

The pathogenesis of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is not well understood; therefore, we provide more in-depth research directions and services based on our current studies to facilitate the study of HCV and HEV infection.

  • Given the important role of the HCV core in the pathology of HCV infection, different services will be offered on request to explore the specific role of the HCV core in apoptotic pathways, mitochondrial dysfunction, and other pathological processes.
  • Given that HEV infection causes neurological symptoms, we will provide different approaches to explore the pathological mechanisms depending on the neurological symptoms.

Ace Therapeutics has extensive hands-on experience in basic research on viral hepatitis and can provide you with exclusive services. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Lhomme, S., et al., Hepatitis e virus infection: Neurological manifestations and pathophysiology. Pathogens, 2021. 10(12).
  2. Seeger, C., et al., Molecular biology of hepatitis b virus infection. Virology, 2015. 479-480: p. 672-686.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.