Ace Therapeutics
Basic Research Services for Autoimmune Liver Disease
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Basic Research Services for Autoimmune Liver Disease


Ace Therapeutics has extensive research experience in the field of autoimmune liver disease (ALD). Our services have been recognized and praised by many parties.

Many predisposing factors may induce the development of ALD, but the specific pathogenesis of this disease is not yet clear. We have extensive experience in basic research of ALD. With our experience and technological platform, we aim to provide the most professional services to our clients worldwide.

What Can We Do?

The prevalence of ALD is increasing, but its specific pathogenesis is unclear. We offer comprehensive services for ALD to facilitate research on the pathogenesis and drug development of autoimmune liver disease.

  • Basic Research Services for Autoimmune Hepatitis

Current studies suggest that a genetic predisposition, molecular mimicry, and imbalance between effector and regulatory immunity in a particular autoimmune ecosystem are key pathological factors in autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) development. Therefore, we provide comprehensive services to explore the pathogenesis of AIH with respect to the corresponding pathological processes, and we can even overcome the difficult issues of AIH pathological mechanism investigation, including but not limited to

  • Investigating the relationship between susceptibility and resistance to AIH and DRB1 allelic variants within the HLA region of chromosome 6 based on HLA typing and detection techniques
  • Probing the interaction of targets such as TNFIP3 and CTLA-4 with AIH based on genetic studies based on genetic assays and protein detection techniques
  • Molecular mimicry and cross-reactivity hypothesis between trigger factors and exogenous epitopes and liver antigens

Fig.1 Pathogenesis of autoimmune hepatitis.Fig.1 Pathogenesis of autoimmune hepatitis. (Sucher, E., et al., 2019)

  • Basic Research Services for Primary Biliary Cholangitis

The specific pathogenesis of primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is unclear, so we provide a comprehensive service for basic research on PBC to facilitate the study of its pathogenesis.

  • Given that apoptosis of biliary epithelial cells (BEC) leads to the exposure of the antigenic E2 subunits of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDC-E2) epitope and thus triggers an immune response, we provide a comprehensive exploration service for the pathways that induce BEC apoptosis, such as CD8T cell-induced BEC apoptosis and anion exchanger 2-deficient BEC apoptosis.
  • Given that BEC apoptosis produces PDC-E2, which in turn stimulates the activation of the immune system and induces more BEC apoptosis to accelerate the pathological process of PBC, we will assess the role of PDC-E2 in PBC by detecting cytokines, immune cell activity, and others during the PDC-E2-induced immune response.

Fig.2 The pathogenesis of PBC.Fig.2 The pathogenesis of PBC. (Li, H., et al., 2021)

  • Basic Research Services for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

The pathogenesis of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is not fully understood. We offer a comprehensive research service addressing the different pathological mechanisms of PSC, including but not limited to

  • Given that genetic factors account for approximately 10% of the predisposing factors of PSC, we will screen genetically relevant genes or proteins of PSC by gene microarray and protein microarray technologies while exploring the mechanisms of action of these targets in PSC.
  • Given the toxicity of PSC-induced increases in conjugated primary bile acids and their derivatives on bile duct cells and hepatocytes, we will provide different methods to detect the role of bile acids on the pathological process of PSC while exploring the mechanism of action of PSC-induced increases in bile acids.
  • Given the regulatory role of gut microbes in PSC, we offer different sequencing and histological analysis techniques to explore the specific role of gut microbes.

Ace Therapeutics provides comprehensive basic research services targeting the pathological mechanisms of ALD. Our team has extensive hands-on experience and a conscientious approach to ensure the scientific validity and accuracy of your research. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Sucher, E., et al., Autoimmune hepatitis-immunologically triggered liver pathogenesis-diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. J Immunol Res. 2019. 2019: p. 9437043.
  2. Li, H., et al., The pathogenesis, models and therapeutic advances of primary biliary cholangitis. Biomed Pharmacother. 2021. 140: p. 111754.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.