Ace Therapeutics
AAV Delivery System Development Targeting the Liver
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AAV Delivery System Development Targeting the Liver


Ace Therapeutics is committed to providing quality and professional drug delivery services for adeno-associated viruses (AAV) targeting the liver to our clients worldwide. Our extensive research experience in viral delivery systems allows us to bring a comprehensive and innovative service to your research.

AAV is a small non-enveloped disease. Wild-type AAV is non-pathogenic and requires other viruses (e.g., adenovirus and herpesvirus) for replication. Due to the lack of the Rep gene, the recombinant AAV viral genome does not integrate into the host genome, persists in an extrachromosomal form, and achieves persistent expression of therapeutic proteins in non-dividing cells (e.g., hepatocytes in the default state) with a very high safety profile. In addition, multiple serotypes of AAV have good hepatophilicity for hepatocytes. Therefore AAV is a highly promising tool for gene delivery targeting the liver.

What Can We Do?

AAV Delivery System Development Targeting The Liver

Accurate delivery of oligonucleotide drugs to the damaged areas of the liver enables them to achieve the most optimal effect. To further enhance the effectiveness of oligonucleotides in the treatment of liver disease, we offer a comprehensive range of oligonucleotide-specific drug delivery services.

  • Vector Construction & Virus Packaging Services

Ace Therapeutics has established a well-established workflow for vector construction and virus packaging for AAV delivery systems. With our more than 10 years of research experience, we can develop the most appropriate service process for you based on your project needs.

  • Single-Stranded AAV Vector

Low technical difficulty &high carrier capacity

  • Self-Complementary AAV Vector

Multiple serotypes, rapid expression, stable expression, relatively low immunogenicity

We have different AAV serotypes such as 1-9, 6.2, rh10, DJ, DJ/8, PHP.eB, and others, as well as multiple liver-specific promoters such as Afp, Alb, TBG, etc. Our scientists will determine the most appropriate protocol for you based on your research project. In addition, we can also construct liver-specific expression AAV vectors for you based on the experimental materials you provide.

Fig.1 The Workflow of AAV Packaging.Fig.1 The Workflow of AAV Packaging.

  • Virus Delivery Routes

We can achieve delivery of AAV viral vectors to the liver by direct liver delivery and peripheral vector delivery. Using high transduction efficiency as a test indicator, our scientists will select the optimal solution for you based on your research project to help your research run smoothly.

Virus Delivery Routes

The dual blood supply to the liver and the unique structural features of the hepatic sinusoidal parenchyma allow for higher transduction efficiency of AAV transduction by systemic injection. Ace Therapeutics has the expertise and hands-on experience to provide high-quality data and fast turnaround times to support the development of viral delivery systems targeting the liver. If you would like to learn more about our services, please feel free to contact us.

Our products and services are for research use only and can not be used for diagnostic or other purposes.