Total Atg14 Sandwich ELISA Kit

Total Atg14 Sandwich ELISA Kit

Cat. No.: DAA-001064

Size: 1 x 96 tests Size: 10 x 96 tests Size: Customer Size
Product Information
Product Name Total Atg14 Sandwich ELISA Kit
Species Human
Description The Total Atg14 Sandwich ELISA Kit is a solid phase sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that detects endogenous levels of Atg14 protein. Incubation of cell lysates and detection antibody on the coated microwell plate forms a sandwich with Atg14 in a single step. The plate is then extensively washed and TMB reagent is added for signal development. The magnitude of absorbance for the developed color is proportional to the quantity of Atg14.
Component Atg14 Rabbit mAb Coated Microwells; Atg14 Mouse Detection mAb; HRP Diluent; TMB Substrate; STOP Solution; Sealing Tape; ELISA Wash Buffer (20X); Cell Lysis Buffer (10X)
Target Information
Target Name ATG14
UniProt No. Q6ZNE5
Gene ID 22863
Target Description Autophagy is a catabolic process for the autophagosomic-lysosomal degradation of bulk cytoplasmic contents. Autophagy is generally activated by conditions of nutrient deprivation but is also associated with a number of physiological processes including development, differentiation, neurodegeneration, infection, and cancer. The molecular machinery of autophagy was largely discovered in yeast and is directed by a number of autophagy-related. Atg14 and Rubicon were identified based on their ability to bind to Beclin-1 and participate in unique complexes with opposing functions. Rubicon, which localizes to the endosome and lysosome, inhibits Vps34 lipid kinase activity; knockdown of Rubicon enhances autophagy and endocytic trafficking. In contrast, Atg14 localizes to autophagosomes, isolation membranes and ER, and can enhance Vps34 activity. Knockdown of Atg14 inhibits starvation-induced autophagy.The serine/threonine kinase ULK1 phosphorylates Atg14 at Ser29 to promote autophagosome formation.
Alternative Names Autophagy-related protein 14-like protein (Atg14L); Barkor
Shipping & Storage
Sipping Shipping on dry ice.
Storage Store at -20°C. Please refer to protocols.
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