Cyclic GMP Assay Kit

Cyclic GMP Assay Kit

Cat. No.: DAA-001077

Size: 1 x 96 tests Size: 10 x 96 tests Size: Customer Size
Product Information
Product Name Cyclic GMP Assay Kit
Species All
Description The Cyclic GMP Assay Kit is a competition enzyme-linked immunoassay used to determine cGMP levels in cells or tissues of interest. In this assay, cGMP found in test sample competes with a fixed amount of HRP-linked cGMP for binding to an anti-cGMP Rabbit mAb immobilized onto a 96-well plate. Following washing to remove excess sample cGMP and HRP-linked cGMP, HRP substrate TMB is added to develop color. Because of the competitive nature of this assay, the magnitude of the absorbance for this developed color is inversely proportional to the quantity of sample cGMP. Measurement of absorbance using the cGMP Standard allows calculating the absolute amount of cGMP in a sample of interest.Note: 12 8-well modules - Each module is designed to break apart for 8 tests.
Component cGMP Rabbit mAb Coated Microwells; cGMP-HRP Conjugate; cGMP Standard (5 uM); TMB Substrate; STOP Solution; Sealing Tape; ELISA Wash Buffer (20X); Cell Lysis Buffer (10X)
Target Information
Target Name Cyclic GMP
Target Description Cyclic guanosine 3’, 5’-monophosphate. Because of the diversity of its effectors, cGMP plays an important role in regulating various pathological and physiological processes, such as vascular smooth muscle motility, intestinal fluid and electrolyte homeostasis, and retinal phototransduction.
Shipping & Storage
Sipping Shipping on dry ice.
Storage Store at -20°C. Please refer to protocols.
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