Chemically Induced Diabetes Models

Chemically Induced Diabetes Models

Ace Therapeutics is a trusted partner in the development of animal disease models. In the field of diabetes research, we provide customers with chemically induced animal models of diabetes by using various chemical agents.

Overview of Chemically Induced Diabetes Animal Models

Chemical induction of diabetes is a simple and cost-efficient approach applicable across a range of animal species, including rodents and larger animals. This method relies on the administration of specific chemicals that selectively destroy pancreatic beta cells, leading to reduced insulin secretion, high blood sugar, and weight loss. Two of the most commonly used drugs for this purpose are streptozotocin (STZ) and alloxan (ALX).

Fig 1. The principle of STZ destroying pancreatic beta cells.Fig. 1. Scheme showing partial destruction of β cell population by STZ and reduction in β cell mass that induces insulin insufficiency and chronic hyperglycemia. (Wu J, et al., 2015)

Our Chemically Induced Diabetes Animal Models

Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Models
STZ is an alkylating agent that reliably induces diabetes in animal models. We offer customizable STZ injection models tailored to different genetic backgrounds to advance your preclinical research.
Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Models
We induce insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in animals by administering alloxan. We can develop alloxan-induced diabetes models in a variety of animals, including rabbits, mice, rats, and dogs.
Dithizone-Induced Diabetes Models
We utilize dithizone, which reacts with zinc in pancreatic islets, leading to islet cell destruction and inducing diabetes in animal models.
Monosodium Glutamate-Induced Diabetes Models
We develop diabetic animal models using different doses and durations of monosodium glutamate (MSG) according to the needs of our customers. These models primarily exhibit obesity and diabetic features, including hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia, decreased glucose tolerance, and reduced insulin sensitivity.
Ferric Nitrilotriacetate Induced Diabetes Models
We induce diabetes in animals by the parenteral administration of ferric nitrilotriacetate (Fe-NTA). These models provide a valuable tool for investigating the effects of Fe-NTA exposure on glucose metabolism, insulin secretion, and renal damage.
Goldthioglucose-Induced Diabetes Models
We develop chemically induced diabetic animal models using goldthioglucose (GTG), a diabetogenic compound that triggers hyperphagia and severe obesity-associated type 2 diabetes.

Our In Vivo Analysis Services

At Ace Therapeutics, we seamlessly integrate a comprehensive suite of advanced analytical techniques to provide a multifaceted understanding of diabetes. We are capable of assessing a range of endpoints to validate animal models and assist customers in evaluating the effectiveness of antidiabetic drugs.

  • Weight change
  • Glucose and insulin sensitivity
  • Blood glucose and insulin levels
  • Glucose or insulin tolerance testing (GTT/ITT)
  • Wound healing
  • Histopathology and/or IHC analysis
  • Multiplex cytokine analysis
  • Custom assays and endpoints

Whether you are investigating novel therapeutic targets, exploring the underlying mechanisms of diabetic complications, or evaluating the efficacy of promising drug candidates, Ace Therapeutics is here to guide you every step of the way. Please contact us for tailored research solutions that meet your unique requirements!


  1. Wu J, Yan L J. (2015) Streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetes in rodents as a model for studying mitochondrial mechanisms of diabetic β cell glucotoxicity. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy. 181-188
All of our services and products are intended for preclinical research use only and cannot be used to diagnose, treat or manage patients.
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Ace Therapeutics has a team of wellknown experts in the field of endocrine and metabolic research, aiming to provide innovative preclinical contract research solutions to cope with diabetes and its complications. We provide customized solutions and technical support, enabling the transformation of promising concepts into innovative treatments, thus accelerating the drug development process of diabetes.

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