Cellular Glutathione Detection Assay Kit

Cellular Glutathione Detection Assay Kit

Cat. No.: DAA-001114

Size: 1 x 96 tests Size: 10 x 96 tests Size: Customer Size
Product Information
Product Name Cellular Glutathione Detection Assay Kit
Description The Cellular Glutathione Detection Assay Kit employs the cell permeable dye monochlorobimane (MCB) to detect reduced glutathione (GSH) in cellular assays. MCB displays a high affinity for reduced glutathione and exhibits a very low fluorescent yield when free in solution. Upon binding to GSH, the dye exhibits a strong blue fluorescence that can be measured at an excitation wavelength of 380 nm and an emission wavelength of 460 nm. Fluorescent intensity correlates with sample GSH level. This kit can be used to either label cells directly or to detect GSH level in cell extracts. The assay can be easily applied in high throughput plate-format, flow cytometry, or fluorescent imaging.
Component Reduced Glutathione Standard; Glutathione-S-Transferase; Tris Assay Buffer; Digitonin Lysis Buffer; Monochlorobimane
Target Information
Target Name GSH
Target Description The antioxidant glutathione is found in both reduced and oxidized states in cells. Reduced glutathione can play an important role in preventing cellular damage caused by reactive oxygen species, including free radicals and peroxides. Reduced glutathione. GSH also participates in redox signaling through the removal of the cellular second messenger H2O2. Diminished glutathione levels are observed during the aging process and in oxidative stress-related diseases. The depletion of GSH is necessary for the progression of apoptosis that is mediated by various signaling pathways. Intracellular GSH levels can be a very useful indicator for overall cell health, proliferation, and death.
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