Genetic toxicity refers to the potential damage to genetic material, such as DNA and chromosomes. For cardiovascular drugs, their prolonged exposure may cause genetic toxicity in the body. Ace Therapeutics can provide a comprehensive preclinical genetic toxicity evaluation services for cardiovascular drugs, which can help our clients identify the potential genotoxicity of the investigational drugs early in the drug development process.
For novel cardiovascular drugs, preclinical genetic toxicity evaluation mainly assesses their effects on the molecular structure of genetic material of experimental animals or cellular genomes under in vivo and in vitro conditions. Generally, according to the mechanism of toxicity, genetic toxicity caused by cardiovascular drugs can be categorized into four types, including DNA damage, gene mutations, chromosome structure changes, and chromosome number changes.
Fig. 1 Schematic of various DNA damage-induced DNA repair pathways. (Chatterjee N, Walker GC, 2020)
Ace Therapeutics provides genetic toxicity evaluation services for cardiovascular drugs, including but not limited to the following:
We can use a histidine-dependent mutant strain of Salmonella typhimurium as an indicator microorganism to determine whether the tested cardiovascular drug has mutagenicity by observing its ability to revert to the wild-type mutation on histidine-deficient media.
We can observe the effects of cardiovascular drugs on mammalian cell chromosomes to determine whether the tested drug has toxic effects in inducing chromosomal aberrations.
After short-term administration of tested cardiovascular drugs to the experimental animals, we can collect polychromatic erythrocyte (PCE) from bone marrow of experimental animals and counted the number and proportion of micronucleus, so as to determine whether the tested drug have chromosomal damaging effects.
Ace Therapeutics specializes in providing research outsourcing services for drug development of cardiovascular diseases. With our specialized equipment platform and dedicated research team, we can provide preclinical genetic toxicity study services for cardiovascular drugs. If you are interested in our services, please don't hesitate to contact us.
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