

Ace Therapeutics is a trusted contract service provider that specializes in innovative glaucoma research. Our comprehensive suite of services covers basic research, drug development, and preclinical research specific to glaucoma. We are committed to delivering high-quality and pioneering solutions to meet the unique needs of our clients in the glaucoma research field.

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About Glaucoma

About Glaucoma

Glaucoma, a group of eye diseases which damage the optic nerve, is the most common form of optic nerve damage leading to vision loss. In most cases, fluid builds up in the front of the eye. This extra fluid puts pressure on the eye and gradually damages the optic nerve.

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About Glaucoma

There are several types of glaucoma, including open-angle, closed-angle, normal-tension, and congenital. Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is the most common type of glaucoma because fluid does not drain properly from the eye resulting in increased intraocular pressure.

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R & D

Basic Research for Glaucoma

Basic Research for Glaucoma

We focus on glaucoma solutions, including glaucoma genetics, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, biomechanics and other directions. You can use our advanced histological technologies to conduct all aspects of basic research.

Drug Development for Glaucoma

Drug Development for Glaucoma

We aim to collaborate with biotechnology and biopharmaceutical companies that can find new pharmacological options for the treatment of glaucoma in terms of gene therapy, novel small molecule drugs and glaucoma drug delivery.

Preclinical Research for Glaucoma

Preclinical Research for Glaucoma

We can construct different types of animal and cellular models of glaucoma, conduct analytical drug studies, pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic and toxicological studies, and assist your drug program to enter clinical studies.

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